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The need for repetition in teaching, and stating the “obvious”
Over the last year I have become a student all over again, this time at the gym. In my late teens through to my late twenties, I suffered from playing-related injuries, and as a result was very weak in my…
Presenting alternate fingerings: Letter to the examiner
Those of you who attended my recent presentations on the new AMEB (Australian Music Examinations Board) technical exercises at APPC and the Taubman workshop with John Bloomfield know that I have concerns over the restriction printed in every chapter that…
Paul Myatt interviews Therese Milanovic about the Taubman Approach
NB if you are interested in accessing the Taubman Workshop with John Bloomfield that occurred on July 13 2019, please contact
Paul Myatt interviews John Bloomfield and Therese Milanovic at APPC 2019
APPC 2019 AMEB Technical Exercises Presentation notes
So thrilled after many hours of preparation to have a full house at Australasian Piano Pedagogy Conference to hear my talk on the AMEB technical exercises (part 1). Thank you also to Edna Golandsky and John Bloomfield for their invaluable insights…
Short interview with Mary Moran
TM: Mary, we’re all looking forward to your presentation on Chord playing coming up soon, beamed online from Upstate NY, which will be relevant to pianists and teachers of all levels. In addition to very advanced students, you also teach a…
Short interview with Robert Durso
TM: Bob, we’re so looking forward to having you join us for a live-streamed broadcast from your studio in Philadelphia. It’s also great that you have been presenting day and weekend workshops in the US, and making them available online…
Interview with John Bloomfield July 2019
John, it’s exciting that you’ll be here soon for your fourth visit to Australia, this time as Keynote Speaker for APPC 2019 among a wonderful array of topics and presenters. What do you hope people will take away from your…
What can I expect from the July 13 Taubman Approach workshop with John Bloomfield?
We have planned a rich day of learning, with a focus on practical information that you can immediately take home and try in your own hands, and add to your toolbox of strategies for helping your students. You’ll learn principles…